09-11-2018, 11:06
Dla potomności przekleję kody ze strony : https://www.technobezz.com/secret-codes-...e-samsung/
Proszę bardzo uważać używając takich kodów, dla pewności lepiej wcześniej pogoglować sprawdzając dany kod!
Restarting Samsung Galaxy Phones Secret Code
These are all the Samsung Galaxy secret codes to restart your android without manually doing so.
System Control Secret code
*#7284# USB I2C Mode Controlling Panel
*#872564# This code control the USB Logging
*#4238378# This secret code control GCF Configuration
*#0283# This secret code Control Audio Loopback
*#1575# Manage and control GPS Menu
Phone Information Secret codes
*#*#4636#*#* This is the secret code for your phone information
*#*#4986*2650468#*#* This code is used to View Phone’s PDA , H/W, RFCallDate details
*#*#1234#*#* View PDA type and Version
*#*#1111#*#* secret code to display Firmware software version
*#*#2222#*#* secret code to display firmware hardware version
*#*#44336#*#* Display your build version ROM sales code, build time and change list number
*#272*IMEI# – Use this code to change your sales codes and reset the user data
*#0011# This secret code is used to show the status information for Your GSM Network
*#*#4636#*#* Display all the user statistics from the beginning of time and the essential Phone Information
*#12580*369# this secret code checks software and hardware information.
*#12580*369# Display all Software and Hardware information of your phone
#*#8377466# Display all Software Version and Hardware Version information for your Android device
Secret Code for all testing purposes
*#0589# This Code is used to enter Light Sensor Test Mode
*#0588# Proximity Sensor Secret code
*#*#526#*#* Enter WLAN network by using this code
*#*#232338#*#* This code will display all WIFI mac address
*#*#1472365#*#* Using this secret code to Test GPS
*#*#1575#*#* A next GPS test code
*#*#232331#*#* Troubleshoot your Bluetooth
*#9090# Diagnostic Configuration secret code
#*3888# BLUETOOTH Test mode Code
#*#0*#*#* Test Your LCD Screen
*#*#0673#*#* melody and audio Test
*#*#0842#*#* General Test Mode (vibration test and backlight test)
*#*#2663#*#* Test your LCD touch screen
*#8999*8378# Universal Test Menu
*#0842# Vibration Motor Test Mode Code
*#0782# Test your Time in real time mode
*#0673# Audible Test
*#0*# General Test Mode function
Network Secret codes
*7465625*638*# This code gives you the ability to customize Network Lock MCC/MNC
#7465625*638*# Use this code to perform Network data locks and (Insert Network Lock)
*7465625*782*# Customize your Network Lock NSP
#7465625*782*# input any semi- Partiality Network Lock Keycode
*7465625*77*# Key code for Network lock SP
#7465625*77*# Secret key to insert network operator
*7465625*27*# Secret code for Network lock and operation for NSP/CP
#7465625*27*# Secret phone code for Content Provider network insertion
*#272*IMEI# this code gives you the buyer code
*#2263# RF Band -select your network mode type
Firmware and service mode Secret code
*#32489# Enter Service mode (Ciphering Info)
*#197328640# This is the code for default Service Mode
#0808# usb service
*#9090# service mode usb
*#2663# TSP / TSK firmware update
*#34971539# Update your camera firmware
*#526# WLAN Engineering service mode
*#528# WLAN Engineering service Mode
*#7412365# Enter your Camera Firmware Menu.
*#8736364# OTA Update Menu screen code for android
*2767*4387264636# Sellout SMS / PCODE view
Secret code for Factory reset (Android)
*#7780# Factory Reset all your phones with a confirmation message
*2767*3855# Full factory reset without a confirmation message. It will perform a hard reset.
*#*#273283*255*663282*#*#* copy files and backup media files
Secret code for Debugging
*#745# Dump Menu for dumping RIL
*#746# general Debug Dump Menu
*#9900# Bring you to System Dump menu, give you the option to boost your network speed, Wi-Fi and battery
*#03# NAND Flash S/N
*#7594# Remap Shutdown to End Call TSK
*#272886# Auto Answer Selection
Secret iPhone Codes
iPhone IMEI Secret code
*#06# Gives you the phone IMEI which is your phone identifier for the hardware of your phone.
iPhone field mode Secret code
*3001#12345#* It opens the field mode that has the internal settings of the iPhone, the cell information, and newest network settings
iPhone call forwarding Secret code
*#67# you can check the number for call forwarding provided the iPhone is busy
iPhone call minutes Secret code
*646# Postpaid users will be able to check the available minutes
iPhone bill balance Secret code
*225# Postpaid users will be able to check the bill balance
iPhone account balance Secret code
*777# Prepaid users can use this code to check the account balance
iPhone configuration Secret code
*# 33# This code will allow you to check a number of configurations on your phone for your calls, SMS, and data.
iPhone operator Secret code
*#76# To check if the connected line presentation is enabled or disabled
iPhone call forwarding Secret code
*#21# All your call forwarding settings will be available with the help of this code
iPhone use of information Secret code
*3282# To get details on the use of information
iPhone missed calls Secret code
*#61# For checking missed calls
iPhone call verification Secret code
*#62# To verify the phone number for call forwarding when the phone is in no service
iPhone EFR mode Secret code
*3370# It puts your iPhone is EFR mode. EFR stands for Enhanced Full Rate and it is meant to increase the quality of the
iPhone SMS center Secret code
*#5005*7672# This secret phone code allows you to check SMS center
iPhone outgoing calls Secret code
*331* Allows you to bar your phone from making outgoing calls
iPhone call waiting Secret code
*#43# This code helps you check the call waiting status
iPhone activate call waiting Secret code
*43# to activate call waiting
iPhone deactivate call waiting Secret code
#43# to deactivate call waiting
iPhone phone number Secret code
*#31# Use this secret code to hide your phone number
iPhone forwarding Secret code
##002# it helps you to disable all call forwarding
iPhone block number Secret code
*#30# It allows or blocks a phone number for calling you
Type *#*#0842#*#* in order to check test vibration backlight information
Enter *#*#7780#*#* to check battery history information
Type *#*#7780#*#* to check usage statistics information
Type *#*#7780#*#* to check information
Type *#*#7780#*#* in order to check mobile battery information
Enter *#*#232331#*#* in order to check and test your mobile phone Bluetooth
Type *#*#4986*2650468#*#* to check PDA, phone, H/W, RFCallDate information
Type *#*#0283#*#* to check packet loopback information
Press *#*#0*#*#* to check LCD information use
Press *#*#1234#*#* this htc on m8 scret code is use to check PDA and phone information
Enter *#*#1111#*#* to check FTA SW version information
Type *#*#2222#*#* if you want to check FTA HW version FTA HW version
Type *#*#232337#*# to check mobile phone Bluetooth device address
Enter *#*#1472365#*#* if you want to check test GPRS information
Key in *#*#1575#*#* to check test another GPRS information
Use secret code *#*#44336#*#* to check full PDA, Phone, CSC, Build Time, Changelist no Info
Type *#*#0588#*#* to check proximity sensor test: information
Press *#*#0673#*#* OR *#*#0289#*#* to check melody test information
Type *#*#3264#*#* to check RAM information
Enter *#*#2663#*#* to check screen version information
Type *#*#2664#*#* to check touch screen test information
Type *#*#232338#*#* in order to check WiFi MAC address information
Enter *#*#3424*#*#* HTC function test menu
Use *2767*3855# this HTC One M8 secret code to hard reset the phone.
Proszę bardzo uważać używając takich kodów, dla pewności lepiej wcześniej pogoglować sprawdzając dany kod!
List of Secret codes for Android:
Restarting Samsung Galaxy Phones Secret Code
These are all the Samsung Galaxy secret codes to restart your android without manually doing so.
System Control Secret code
*#7284# USB I2C Mode Controlling Panel
*#872564# This code control the USB Logging
*#4238378# This secret code control GCF Configuration
*#0283# This secret code Control Audio Loopback
*#1575# Manage and control GPS Menu
Phone Information Secret codes
*#*#4636#*#* This is the secret code for your phone information
*#*#4986*2650468#*#* This code is used to View Phone’s PDA , H/W, RFCallDate details
*#*#1234#*#* View PDA type and Version
*#*#1111#*#* secret code to display Firmware software version
*#*#2222#*#* secret code to display firmware hardware version
*#*#44336#*#* Display your build version ROM sales code, build time and change list number
*#272*IMEI# – Use this code to change your sales codes and reset the user data
*#0011# This secret code is used to show the status information for Your GSM Network
*#*#4636#*#* Display all the user statistics from the beginning of time and the essential Phone Information
*#12580*369# this secret code checks software and hardware information.
*#12580*369# Display all Software and Hardware information of your phone
#*#8377466# Display all Software Version and Hardware Version information for your Android device
Secret Code for all testing purposes
*#0589# This Code is used to enter Light Sensor Test Mode
*#0588# Proximity Sensor Secret code
*#*#526#*#* Enter WLAN network by using this code
*#*#232338#*#* This code will display all WIFI mac address
*#*#1472365#*#* Using this secret code to Test GPS
*#*#1575#*#* A next GPS test code
*#*#232331#*#* Troubleshoot your Bluetooth
*#9090# Diagnostic Configuration secret code
#*3888# BLUETOOTH Test mode Code
#*#0*#*#* Test Your LCD Screen
*#*#0673#*#* melody and audio Test
*#*#0842#*#* General Test Mode (vibration test and backlight test)
*#*#2663#*#* Test your LCD touch screen
*#8999*8378# Universal Test Menu
*#0842# Vibration Motor Test Mode Code
*#0782# Test your Time in real time mode
*#0673# Audible Test
*#0*# General Test Mode function
Network Secret codes
*7465625*638*# This code gives you the ability to customize Network Lock MCC/MNC
#7465625*638*# Use this code to perform Network data locks and (Insert Network Lock)
*7465625*782*# Customize your Network Lock NSP
#7465625*782*# input any semi- Partiality Network Lock Keycode
*7465625*77*# Key code for Network lock SP
#7465625*77*# Secret key to insert network operator
*7465625*27*# Secret code for Network lock and operation for NSP/CP
#7465625*27*# Secret phone code for Content Provider network insertion
*#272*IMEI# this code gives you the buyer code
*#2263# RF Band -select your network mode type
Firmware and service mode Secret code
*#32489# Enter Service mode (Ciphering Info)
*#197328640# This is the code for default Service Mode
#0808# usb service
*#9090# service mode usb
*#2663# TSP / TSK firmware update
*#34971539# Update your camera firmware
*#526# WLAN Engineering service mode
*#528# WLAN Engineering service Mode
*#7412365# Enter your Camera Firmware Menu.
*#8736364# OTA Update Menu screen code for android
*2767*4387264636# Sellout SMS / PCODE view
Secret code for Factory reset (Android)
*#7780# Factory Reset all your phones with a confirmation message
*2767*3855# Full factory reset without a confirmation message. It will perform a hard reset.
*#*#273283*255*663282*#*#* copy files and backup media files
Secret code for Debugging
*#745# Dump Menu for dumping RIL
*#746# general Debug Dump Menu
*#9900# Bring you to System Dump menu, give you the option to boost your network speed, Wi-Fi and battery
*#03# NAND Flash S/N
*#7594# Remap Shutdown to End Call TSK
*#272886# Auto Answer Selection
Secret iPhone Codes
iPhone IMEI Secret code
*#06# Gives you the phone IMEI which is your phone identifier for the hardware of your phone.
iPhone field mode Secret code
*3001#12345#* It opens the field mode that has the internal settings of the iPhone, the cell information, and newest network settings
iPhone call forwarding Secret code
*#67# you can check the number for call forwarding provided the iPhone is busy
iPhone call minutes Secret code
*646# Postpaid users will be able to check the available minutes
iPhone bill balance Secret code
*225# Postpaid users will be able to check the bill balance
iPhone account balance Secret code
*777# Prepaid users can use this code to check the account balance
iPhone configuration Secret code
*# 33# This code will allow you to check a number of configurations on your phone for your calls, SMS, and data.
iPhone operator Secret code
*#76# To check if the connected line presentation is enabled or disabled
iPhone call forwarding Secret code
*#21# All your call forwarding settings will be available with the help of this code
iPhone use of information Secret code
*3282# To get details on the use of information
iPhone missed calls Secret code
*#61# For checking missed calls
iPhone call verification Secret code
*#62# To verify the phone number for call forwarding when the phone is in no service
iPhone EFR mode Secret code
*3370# It puts your iPhone is EFR mode. EFR stands for Enhanced Full Rate and it is meant to increase the quality of the
iPhone SMS center Secret code
*#5005*7672# This secret phone code allows you to check SMS center
iPhone outgoing calls Secret code
*331* Allows you to bar your phone from making outgoing calls
iPhone call waiting Secret code
*#43# This code helps you check the call waiting status
iPhone activate call waiting Secret code
*43# to activate call waiting
iPhone deactivate call waiting Secret code
#43# to deactivate call waiting
iPhone phone number Secret code
*#31# Use this secret code to hide your phone number
iPhone forwarding Secret code
##002# it helps you to disable all call forwarding
iPhone block number Secret code
*#30# It allows or blocks a phone number for calling you
HTC One Secret Codes
Type *#*#0842#*#* in order to check test vibration backlight information
Enter *#*#7780#*#* to check battery history information
Type *#*#7780#*#* to check usage statistics information
Type *#*#7780#*#* to check information
Type *#*#7780#*#* in order to check mobile battery information
Enter *#*#232331#*#* in order to check and test your mobile phone Bluetooth
Type *#*#4986*2650468#*#* to check PDA, phone, H/W, RFCallDate information
Type *#*#0283#*#* to check packet loopback information
Press *#*#0*#*#* to check LCD information use
Press *#*#1234#*#* this htc on m8 scret code is use to check PDA and phone information
Enter *#*#1111#*#* to check FTA SW version information
Type *#*#2222#*#* if you want to check FTA HW version FTA HW version
Type *#*#232337#*# to check mobile phone Bluetooth device address
Enter *#*#1472365#*#* if you want to check test GPRS information
Key in *#*#1575#*#* to check test another GPRS information
Use secret code *#*#44336#*#* to check full PDA, Phone, CSC, Build Time, Changelist no Info
Type *#*#0588#*#* to check proximity sensor test: information
Press *#*#0673#*#* OR *#*#0289#*#* to check melody test information
Type *#*#3264#*#* to check RAM information
Enter *#*#2663#*#* to check screen version information
Type *#*#2664#*#* to check touch screen test information
Type *#*#232338#*#* in order to check WiFi MAC address information
Enter *#*#3424*#*#* HTC function test menu
Use *2767*3855# this HTC One M8 secret code to hard reset the phone.